Non-Euclidean Geometry and Applications in Modern Mathematics

Non-Euclidean Geometry and Applications in Modern Mathematics

Non-Euclidean Geometry and Applications in Modern Mathematics Non-Euclidean Geometry and Applications in Modern Mathematics Non-Euclidean geometry is a subset of geometry that departs from the concepts established by Euclid, an ancient Greek mathematician. It includes geometrical systems in which the parallel postulate is not valid, as well as those in which one or more of…

Exploring Euclidean Geometry And Applications

Exploring Euclidean Geometry And Applications Exploring Euclidean Geometry And Applications The study of forms, sizes, and characteristics of objects in two- and three-dimensional spaces is known as Euclidean geometry, after the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid. This paper explores the basic ideas, historical background, and contemporary uses of Euclidean geometry. We study a number of ideas,…

The Basic Geometry Introduction

The Basic Geometry Introduction

The Basic Geometry Introduction The Basic Geometry Introduction Mathematicians who research geometry focus on figures’ relative placements, sizes, forms, and space’s characteristics. Its rich and extensive history spans several civilizations and thousands of years. Architecture, art, science, and engineering are just a few of the fields in which geometry has impacted human existence. The background,…